Friday 28 September 2012

Deprenyl for Long Life and Lasting Memory

These days the incidence of various degenerative diseases of mind are constantly on the increase. The main reason behind the high incidence of mental decline diseases like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia etc. is the highly stressed environment in which we line. Also the food that we eat these days is lacking in so many essential nutrients which are vital for healthy brain and body.

Although, we do not feel the symptoms of mental and bodily decline during our young age due to effective repair and regeneration mechanism of the mind and body, overtime both our brain and body start to weaken due to the inefficiency of our internal repair and regeneration mechanism to protect the organs of our body from various kinds of stress both internal and external.

One of the important brain chemical that plays a crucial role in entire brain communication as well as in generating energy and elevating the positive emotions in the individual, dopamine begins to decline after the age 45 years. From then on, these dopamine levels in the brain and body declines by 10% for every following decade, thereby leading to only 30 to 40% of dopamine left in the brain and body once we reach the age of 70. 

One of the notable thing observed in all mental decline patients be it Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia and depression, dopamine levels in all these different types of mental decline conditions have been found to be much below than normal and on a rapid decline spree. Dopamine levels are thus associated with health, immunity and long life for an individual. Deprenyl, one of the most popular mind power medicine owes its popularity and effectiveness to its ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain.

Deprenyl is a MAO-B inhibitor, which works by suppressing the action of MAO-B on the dopamine cells in the brain and body. MA0-B have been known to inhibit the production and life of dopamine cells in the brain. Deprenyl by inhibiting the action of MA0-B, leads to the rise in dopamine levels in the brain and body, thereby proving to be a great help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, senile dementia and depression.

Thus, if you are looking for a dietary or a an anti ageing supplement that can help you get long life with a disease free brain and body, deprenyl is the best medicine for your condition. Deprenyl can not only help you have long life and lasting memory but also enhanced cognition, increased libido and overall increased energy and motivation. 

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