Mental decline and brain ageing happens to each one of us, including the most intelligent and super sharp brains. You will be surprised to know that some of the great intellectuals of the world such as the famous noble prize winning writer, Erich Segal suffered from Parkinsin's disease through most of his life. There are other notable cases of famous scientists and intellectual geniuses with serious mental decline disorders.
So this makes clear that anyone can suffer from mental decline and mental disease. The main reason behind brain ageing and progressive decline of cognitive abilities overtime is the free radical damage and the process of glycation. It is these two processes which have been found to be main causative factor behind Alzheimer's disease. Free radical damage is a process in which important brain cells get damaged due to oxidative stress.
Dopamine is an important brain chemical that is responsible for entire brain and body communication among all the cells and tissues of the brain and body. It has been observed that due to free radical damage overtime, the dopamine levels in the brain begin to decline after the age of 40 or 45 years. Once started, the dopamine levels continue to decline at the rate of 10% every decade. So by the age of 70 years, a person is left with 30 to 40% dopamine.
Since dopamine also controls the mood, drive and energy of an individual, a progressive decline in dopamine levels is known to cause a steep decline in a person's energy levels along with feelings of depression and loss of interest over day to day activities. Decline in dopamine levels also cause the breakdown of motor functions due to the breakdown of communication mechanism, which results in Parkinson's disease. As deprenyl helps to increase the dopamine levels in the brain, it proves to an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease.
So far Parkinson's disease still remains an incurable and fatal condition. Since the mental decline in Parkinson's disease is not as rapid as in Alzheimer's disease, it can still be prevented, controlled and treated effectively with deprenyl if detected in its early stages. With deprenyl some damage can be reversed and treated in case of Parkinson's disease, which makes deprenyl a wonder drug for this incurable condition.
Deprenyl benefits include increase in energy, improved memory, enhanced cognition, sharpened focus, heightened drive and elevated mood. Being a nootropic medicine, deprenyl side effects are none. Due to its mood elevating and energy increasing effects, deprenyl can also be used as an anti depressant medicine. Its superior dopamine enhancing effects makes it an excellent life extension medicine as well.
I am 44 years old and I have just been diagnosed as having Parkinson disease. My doctor has prescribe me Mirapex. I found this medicine very useful, as well as I found your post very helpful.